Precision medicine is a medical approach that considers a patient’s genes, environment, and lifestyle. In the realm of Alzheimer’s disease, experts are pushing for using this approach to improve diagnosis, treatment, and our understanding of the condition.
But what does precision medicine for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias look like?
On Thursday, November 21st at 12 pm PT/3 p.m. ET, the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF)’s Dr. Howard Fillit joins Being Patient Live Talks to discuss precision medicine and its potential in Alzheimer’s diagnosis and care.
Fillit is an award-winning geriatrician, neuroscientist, and innovative philanthropy executive who has led the ADDF since its founding. He has authored or co-authored over 300 publications and is the senior editor of Brocklehurst’s Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology. He has held faculty positions at Rockefeller University, the SUNY-Stony Brook School of Medicine, and the Cornell University School of Medicine. Fillit also maintains a limited private practice in consultative geriatric medicine focusing on Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
RSVP to learn more about precision medicine and Alzheimer’s disease.
My husband is a patient of Dr Fillet. We are very interested in attending this talk, however we do not have a Facebook account. Is there another way of accessing this event?
Hi Madeleine, than you for reaching out. We publish all Live Talks to our Youtube channel shortly after they go live. You will be able to catch up on the Live Talk with Dr. Fillet here once it’s live: – take care!
I am not able to attend the above webinar presentation. Will it be recorded for later viewing for those who like me cannot attend it live?
Thank you
Yes, it will be! It will be uploaded on our YouTube channel shortly after. Thanks!
Hi Liz, thank you for being here. We publish all Live Talks to our Youtube channel shortly after they go live. You will be able to catch up on the Live Talk with Dr. Fillet here once it’s live: – take care!
Thoughts on polypharmacy of AD drugs. Discusss in terns of both efficact safety and tolerability
Hi Marty, thank you for being here. I have passed this on to our Live Talks producer wio will bring this up with Dr. Howard Fillit on November 21st. Looking forward to having you join us!
Can you please send me the replay link?
I was unable to access Facebook in time to RSVP for this event, or actually watch it.
Thank you.
Hi Adrienne, thank you for being here. Feel free to watch the full Live Talk on our YouTube channel here: . Take care!