Is it possible to “catch up on sleep” after a period of sleep deprivation?
You can’t make up for a night of sleep completely, but with that being said, if you are sleep deprived during the weekdays and…
You can’t make up for a night of sleep completely, but with that being said, if you are sleep deprived during the weekdays and…
You can break up your sleep schedule throughout the day (e.g., getting two hours and then six hours later), but you also don’t want…
Oftentimes, people want a straightforward answer to this question, but sleep need is a distribution on a bell curve. The American Academy of Sleep…
Sleep is like breathing and eating—something our body really needs to do. Every organ is impacted by sleep deprivation and research shows that it’s…
Throughout the night, you’ll cycle into light sleep, deep sleep, light sleep and then REM. You have about four to five of those cycles…
There’s this theory, probably the one that most people in the sleep field support, called the synaptic homeostasis hypothesis. It’s this idea that during…
There is some causal evidence that would be the case. They’ve done a study where they’ve sleep deprived people and saw there’s an increase…
Based on my experience and what I’ve observed and knowing for a fact that melatonin production decreases as we age when somebody has a…
All parts of sleep are important. I’m not a medical doctor so I don’t give clinical advice on how to sleep, but there are…
Different sleep drugs have different mechanisms of action and they will often sort of mimic different aspects of sleep. I think that people’s physicians…
The way we really define sleep is purely based on the electrical activity of the brain, so the trackers are doing the best that…
Our study used brain imaging to look at what’s happening in cerebrospinal fluid in the brain during sleep, and that’s a liquid that envelops…
I think the way that I would think of it is that there may be things happening at different stages, maybe that microglia are…
In terms of the link with dementia, I think it is pretty well established now that sleep really is altered in patients with dementia…
Most of our data was in a sub-stage of non REM called M2 sleep and that’s kind of an intermediate sleep, and we saw…