Being Patient’s Guide to Exercise & Brain Health

Regular exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function.

Studies show that people who are physically active — who get enough healthy exercise — have healthier brains. Research has revealed exercise is linked to greater gray matter volume (bigger brain size), white matter integrity, and enhanced blood flow to the brain. Why is this the case? How does exercise help with cognitive health, exactly? And what kinds of exercise should you be doing if you’re interested in brain health benefits?

Regular exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function.

Studies show that people who are physically active — who get enough healthy exercise — have healthier brains. Research has revealed exercise is linked to greater gray matter volume (bigger brain size), white matter integrity, and enhanced blood flow to the brain. Why is this the case? How does exercise help with cognitive health, exactly? And what kinds of exercise should you be doing if you’re interested in brain health benefits?

With input from leading researchers and clinical experts, Being Patient's editorial team assembled this guide of ways to prevent or delay dementia. Knowledge is power, and if leaders and citizens are equipped with the right information, at least 40 percent of the world's tens of millions of dementia cases could be prevented.

What you’ll learn

In this guide, neurologists and other experts explain:

  • How exercise benefits cognitive function and the brain overall
  • What do we mean by exercise? What exercises help?
  • Expert-recommended exercises for better brain health

Check it out above!