Award-winning dementia researcher and educator Dr. Nir Grossman joins Being Patient Live Talks on Thursday, December 21st at 10:00 a.m. PT/1:00 p.m. PT to talk about the potential of cutting-edge medical technology like deep brain stimulation as an emerging approach to treating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Grossman is an associate professor at the Department of Brain Sciences at Imperial College London and a founding fellow of the UK Dementia Research Institute (UK-DRI). He received a prestigious prize from the Science Journal and American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for developing a new, non-invasive method of deep brain stimulation, called temporal interference, which is now in early clinical trials. Previously, this procedure required invasive brain surgery. His research has been published in scientific journals like Cell, Science, and Nature Neuroscience.
RSVP to the live talk to learn more about this new technology and the future of Alzheimer’s research.
91 people are attending UK Dementia Research Institute’s Dr. Nir Grossman on Non-Invasive Deep Brain Stimulation and Memory
Caretaker and Carrier. -In September I completed 8years in the A4 Research project with Weill Cornell/EliLilly.
-Very interested in Brain stimulation.
-Question: Has Acupuncture has been studied.
Thank you, Cheryl Terry-Potier
Thanks, Cheryl! We’re glad you’re interested in the event. For more information on acupuncture you can check out this article:
How close is this treatment ? Is it going to be stuck for years in authorisation systems & processes.
Great question — there are patients out there who are already receiving therapy from various approaches to deep brain stimulation. As for this specific non-invasive approach for Alzheimer’s, we’ll pass your question along to our Live Talks producer to ask when we speak with Dr. Grossman on Thursday.