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Dr. Mayank Mehta: What VR and Movies Teach Us About Memory

July 26, 2023 10:00 am 11:00 am PDT

This event has passed. You can read highlights from the interview and watch the YouTube recording of the talk here

On Wednesday, July 26 at 10:00 a.m. PT/1:00 p.m. ET, UCLA’s Dr. Mayank Mehta joins Being Patient Live Talks to discuss his research on movies, memory, and VR. 

As the director of the Center for Physics of Life and the Keck Center for Neurophysics, and a professor at UCLA, Mehta’s research focuses on the biophysical mechanisms by which the brain evolves, creates, learns, and forms memories. In a recent study, his team showed mice clips of Welles’s movie Touch of Evil as a way of testing — and better understanding — episodic memory in humans, and how our neurons form memories. When his team showed the mice the movie, they detected bursts of activity in the hippocampus — the brain’s memory center — at certain points in the film — and this activity, they say, offers clues as to how to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease.

Mehta’s laboratory has developed a new VR environment that can test rodents in similar conditions as humans that he uses in other studies on learning. Because Alzheimer’s treatments that work for rodents don’t usually end up being effective in humans, his lab uses the VR learning environment to get more accurate insights into cognitive function and Alzheimer’s research. Mehta gave a TedX talk on how VR can help map the way the brain understands space and time — and how learning that could help us unlock secrets to better brain health. 

Join this Live Talk to learn more about what he’s learned about memory through these studies and the value of harnessing VR in Alzheimer’s research. 


July 26, 2023
10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT


Being Patient

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4 thoughts on “Dr. Mayank Mehta: What VR and Movies Teach Us About Memory

  1. My wife is currently participating in the Ascent Clinical Trial at the Kerwin Clinic (Presbyterian Hospital – Dallas, TX).

  2. I do not have Facebook.
    Is there another way to attend this webinar — or access a recording after the event?
    Since Alzheinmer’s is generally a problem for older ppl, it would make sense to have other avenues to join the event.

    1. Hey Donna, thanks for the feedback on this! It live streams on Facebook but will be uploaded to YouTube just a couple days after the talk. Let me know if you’d like to receive an email and I can be sure to email it to you once it is uploaded. Thanks!

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