This event has passed. You can read highlights from the interview and watch the YouTube recording of the talk here.
On Thursday, February 16th, at 11:30 a.m. PT/2:30 p.m. ET, join members of Wisconsin’s Amazing Grace Chorus — a singing group of people living with dementia and their care partners, and part of a growing movement of “memory choirs.” The Amazing Grace Chorus Senior Outreach Program Coordinator Stephanie Houston will be joined by chorus member Steve Mays, and care partner Daniel Johnson in this Being Patient Live Talk to share their experience.
The Amazing Grace Chorus is a Milwaukee-based community chorus organized by the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute. Through artistic musical expression, social engagement, and access to resources, the program seeks to improve the quality of life of individuals and their care partners and focuses on stigma reduction in the community.
The chorus will be celebrating its eight year anniversary and kicking off its 2023 spring season “Renew, rebirth, revive!” sessions this coming Saturday, February 18th. Sessions then run every Saturday until May 6, 2023. Register for the talk to learn all about this chorus and its impact on the Milwaukee community.
Any way I can view the concert after Feb 16th??
My sister in Toronto would very much like to see it (she works with Alzheimer’s patients) but she will be in the hospital that entire day for her cancer treatments.
Hey John, we’ll be uploading the talk soon, and you’ll be able to see it on our website. We’ll also be sure to reply the link to you once it is live. Thanks!